Support netting for vegetables are useful and irreplaceable “companions” for some vegetable plants.
Some horticultural plants need to be supported by nets, whose installation is important for the rational orchard management. First of all support netting for vegetables is indicated for plants that present tendrils or that develop better only relying on a support system. Vegetables like cucumber, pole bean and pea that are climbing plants and others such as eggplant, pepper, tomato, need to be supported by netting. It is better for these vegetables to use netting than cucumber raffia, for example.
Support netting for vegetables is useful to sustain their growth and consequently to obtain healthier and more abundant production.
The advantages of support netting for vegetables is considerable, both quantitatively (increased production) and qualitatively (the integrity of the product that is harvested). The larger production that can be obtained is also more regular during the production cycle of the crop. In fact the plants are better exposed to the light without having to compete with those nearby. Due to the fact that plants are better exposed to light, they take the typical color more evenly during the period of maturation.
Another advantage that comes from this practice is that relating to the integrity of fruits that are harvested. In fact fruits do not touch the ground, so they do not risk to be affected by unwanted rottenness. Do not underestimate also the support provided to the plants in case of wind and heavy rains that can bend, break, eradicate or totally destroy the crops that are not adequately supported. Another advantage that comes from support netting for vegetables regards the space saving. By developing vertically plants like cucumber, zucchini and others, the saved area can be cultivated with other horticultural crops. Supporting netting for vegetables is available in various sizes and heights (from 1 to 2 meters) according to the requirements. By the end of cultivation and after being appropriately disinfected the net can be stored until subsequent use. Thanks to its durability and strength it can be used over many productive seasons.
Support netting for vegetables, easy installation tips
Supporting netting for vegetables can be unrolled and fixed with clips or plastic ties over bamboo, metal or wooden poles.
The distance between the poles (usually 1-1.5 meters) can vary in relation to the strength of the available posts, the climate and the type of soil. The linear disposition of the poles is the most recommended. It guarantees the plants the greatest amount of light, better aeration and consequently a significantly reduction of the rate of attack of fungal diseases. Bamboo canesm metal or wooden poles must be buried at least 20-30 centimeters (35 centimeters in case of sandy soils). To avoid breakage or damage of the roots the plants, it is advisable to prepare the
support netting for vegetables even before proceeding with the transplant or the vegetables planting.
Once the poles are firmly planted in the soil, tensor cable is installed to guarantee the firmness and sturdiness of the entire structure. It is important to anchor the supports to the ground, to protect the spalier and consequently the crops in case of wind and storms. Once net is positioned, the only work is guiding the development of new shoots at the beginning, so as to facilitate an ordinate grow. To facilitate tutoring the vegetables trellis netting is particularly indicated because it is easy to delicately interweave the branches through its specifically designed meshes.
The traditional method of tying agricultural raffia to create a similar supporting structure for vegetables is very popular. Nevertheless its installation requires a lot of manual work. According to the type of crop various wires have to be arranged at different heights of the poles, horizontally and vertically. Then periodic ligatures have to be made with an additional maintenance cost.
Frequent manipulations of the plants cause plant mechanical stress. Mechanical stress modifies plant normal functioning and can affect the total production. Furthermore human intervention is a factor of increasing the risk of spreading viruses among the cultivation. In fact viruses propagate through live vectores. One important viruses carrier is the hand of the worker. By reducing the need of labour, not only it results in a direct money saving but also it is a mean of preventing the damages caused by viruses.